2022 how to get VAXCERTPH online (Digital VACCINE CERTIFICATE download Steps)

Last updated: 15 March 2022

The department of health (DOH) and the Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ) have recently launched VaxCertPH, a site where you can get a digital vaccine certificate. This online portal would provide a more standard vaccine certificate that people can use when they travel.

Note that only fully-vaccinated individuals are eligible to get a vaccine certificate from the portal. You can sign up on the portal 48 hours after you get your second dose, but the certificate’s validity will start 14 days after.

NOTE: This vaccine certificate is different from the international certification of Vaccination (ICV) also known as the YELLOW book or YELLOW CARD. Please make sure which type is required by your destination’s authorities. If what you need is an ICV, read this instead: how TO get AN international CERTIFICATE OF VACCINATION!

Update: VaxCertPH now includes booster information. If you already have a VaxCertPH, you may have to generate a new one to get an updated version. However, over the past few days, the site is undergoing system upgrade so you might encounter downtimes.

Here’s our step-by-step guide on how you can get a digital COVID-19 vaccine certificate.


1. go to the official VaxCertPH website.
2. review and accept data privacy Agreement.
3. answer the questions that would appear.
4. enter your personal details.
5. type in your vaccination details.
6. review the details you entered.
7. review your vaccination record.
8. download your vaccination certificate.
FREQUENTLY ASKED questions (FAQs)I get a “NO VACCINATION information FOUND” error. Čo mám robiť?
There’s a mistake on my VaxCertPH. how do I change/edit/correct the wrong information?
Is VaxCertPH the same as the ICV or yellow book?

More suggestions on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

1. go to the official VaxCertPH website.

You can find it here.

Here’s what the site looks like:

2. review and accept data privacy Agreement.

When you are done reviewing, tick off the box stating: “I have read and agreed to the privacy Statement.” Then, click CONTINUE.

3. answer the questions that would appear.

The first is just confirming your vaccination status. click on the drop-down box to choose your answer. Then, click NEXT.

Note: If you’re not yet fully vaccinated or your final vaccination was less than 48 hours ago, you won’t be able to proceed with the process.

4. enter your personal details.

Fill in the form with your first name, last name, and birth date. The middle name and other fields are optional.

Make sure the details you enter match the details on your vaccination card. Then, click NEXT.

5. type in your vaccination details.

Select the city where you got your first dose of vaccine and enter the date of your first dose.

Then, select where you got your second dose and enter the date.

You may also enter your booster shot info into the additional DOSE fields.

Once complete, click the ‘VERIFY VACCINATION INFORMATION’ button.

Note: If your vaccine brand is Johnson & Johnson, tick off the box located on the upper portion of the form.

6. review the details you entered.

If everything is correct, click CONTINUE.

Then, enter the captcha code to proceed.

7. review your vaccination record.

The details include your full name, birth date, vaccine brand, and the dates when you received each dose.

If all the details are correct, click the generate VACCINATION CERTIFICATE button.

8. download your vaccination certificate.

A copy of your vaccination certificate will appear on the screen. The certificate will indicate your personal and vaccination details and a QR code that can be used to validate your digital vaccination certificate.

You can download, print, or simply take a screenshot of the certificate.

Note: If you intend to use this certificate for travel purposes, don’t forget to enter your passport number and tick the box below it (see image below).


I get a “NO VACCINATION information FOUND” error. Čo mám robiť?

First, check if all the details you offered are correct. hit the try again button and fill out the form again, this time double checking that all the information is right.

If you’re sure that everything is correct but the system still tells you that NO VACCINATION information FOUND, it’s either your data were not recorded correctly or your file has not been uploaded to the system yet. In this case, click the continue button.

On the next page, you’ll be asked to submit a copy of your vaccination card and a valid ID, and enter your email address and mobile number. then tap submit REQUEST.

There’s a mistake on my VaxCertPH. how do I change/edit/correct the wrong information?

You may update your details. On the vaccine certificate page, you’ll find two buttons below. Click update record to submit a request to change it.

On the next page, you’ll be predstavovalo formulár. Zadajte iba podrobnosti, ktoré chcete zmeniť. Potom na nasledujúcej strane odošlite kópiu platného ID a Vašej vakcinačnej karty. Ďalej zadajte svoju e-mailovú adresu a číslo kontaktu.

Ak je tlačidlo Odoslať požiadavky na konci formulára neprekonateľné, kliknite na tlačidlo Späť a pokúste sa zadať dátum narodenia na predchádzajúcej stránke. Zdá sa, že je to požadované pole. Môj spoluhráč mal podobný problém a jednoducho vstúpil do svojho narodenia a bol schopný odoslať formulár.

Po podaní budete mať referenčný kód. Uvidíte na vedomie alebo snímku obrazovky, pretože ho budete potrebovať v budúcnosti pri pýtaní aktualizácií.

Spracovanie žiadostí o aktualizáciu môže trvať tak dlho, ako päť (5) dní. Ak chcete skontrolovať, či bol opravený, jednoducho sa vráťte na domovskú stránku webovej stránky a vyhľadajte tlačidlo “Požiadavka na požiadanie”. Uveďte svoje referenčné ID a vaše krstné meno.

Ak po piatich dňoch nebola zmená, môžete ich kontaktovať nasledovným:

Telefónne číslo: (02) 8876-1488

E-mailová adresa: vaxcertsupport@doh.gov.ph

Je vaxcertph rovnako ako ICV alebo žltá kniha?

Č. VAXCERTH sa líši od medzinárodnej certifikácie očkovania (ICV) tiež známy ako žltú knihu alebo žltú kartu vydanú predsedníctvom karantény (BOQ) a uznáva Svetová zdravotnícka organizácia (WHO).

Ak cestujete do zahraničia, uistite sa, že váš typ certifikátu vyžaduje orgány vášho cieľa. Niektoré krajiny vyžadujú ICV, niektoré akceptujú iné dokumenty.

Ak je to, čo potrebujete, je ICV, prečítajte si to namiesto toho: Ako získať medzinárodné osvedčenie o očkovaní!

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AVOID THIS When utilizing ATM Abroad: dynamic Currency Conversion!

When we’re traveling abroad, our favored method of getting money is by withdrawing from an automated teller machine or ATM. It’s the fastest, simplest as well as most practical choice there is. One can likewise suggest that it is likewise the safest. At the extremely least, safer than bring around a huge amount of money or dealing with shady money changers.

But if you’re not careful, you can still lose a part of your money without realizing it. as well as it’s getting more typical these days! It’s called dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).

Čo je zahrnuté v tejto príručke?

What is dynamic Currency Conversion?
Why is DCC poor for you?
Čo by si mal urobiť?
Do credit history cards have DCC, too?
More tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

What is dynamic Currency Conversion?

Some ATMs as well as credit history card vendors will offer you what they phone call “Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC)”. It’s sometimes called Cardholder favored Currency (CPC). Either way, don’t autumn for it.

When you utilize the ATM or credit history card abroad, you will be asked whether or not you want to be billed in your card’s original currency or in the destination’s regional currency. For example, if you’re from the Philippines utilizing a peso ATM card traveling in France or Italy, you may be asked if you want to be billed in PHP (your house currency) or in EUR (the regional currency). In the exact same way, if you’re from the united states traveling in Prague, you may be asked if you want to be billed in USD or in crowns.

Often, ATMs will low-key desire you to pick your house currency by highlighting its so-called “advantages.” They will utilize words like GUARANTEED rate or fixed rate to explain the house currency, as well as “UNKNOWN RATE” to explain the regional currency. It’s appealing since it’s always comfortable to be billed in your house currency, the currency you’re extremely familiar with. If you’re from the Philippines, you’re most likely utilized to having all your transactions in peso. If you’re from the United States, you’re utilized to the dollar.

Sounds good, right? exactly how generous of them to go the additional mile as well as convert for you, right? WRONG!

Why is DCC poor for you?

Because if you agree to be billed in your house currency, you’re letting them set a worse exchange rate. They likewise sometimes add a markup or foreign deal admin fees. In short, you’ll be overcharged. You’ll be charged more.

Here’s an example:

In this example, if I selected to proceed with dynamic Conversion, I would have lost P1200 for withdrawing 2000 Croatian kuna. That’s a great deal of money.
In the example above, I took a picture of the rate that this DCC was offering me. I declined it. When I inspected on the internet exactly how much was really subtracted from my account WITHOUT DCC, I was glad to understand that I was charged much less than the DCC offer. If I accepted the DCC offer, I would have lost P1200 for withdrawing 2000 Croatian kuna.

Even if you add the 3-euro deal charge for declining DCC, the rate is still significantly much better WITHOUT DCC. great thing I declined DCC.

This is annoyingly legal, however it sure feels like a scam!

It’s frustrating since it makes you believe that they’re doing you a huge favor. It likewise takes advantage of your cluelessness as well as discomfort. If it’s your very first time withdrawing abroad, you’ll be intimidated by the believed of being charged in a foreign currency.

Čo by si mal urobiť?

First of all, always make sure to inspect your bank’s foreign deal rates before the trip. who knows, perhaps this whole DCC thing is much better in some cases.

But in my experience, when I compare, for the exact same amount of foreign currency, selecting DCC always means paying a great deal more vs when you withdraw without DCC. So as my personal rule of thumb, I always choose the destination’s regional currency.

If you’re in Thailand as well as you’re asked, “Would you like to be billed in BAHT or in your card’s house currency?” select BAHT.

In Korea, if you’re asked, “Would you like to be billed in WON or in your card’s house currency?” select WON.

In Singapore, if you’re asked, “Would you like to be billed in SGD or in your card’s house currency?” select SGD.

Decline the dynamic conversion. always select to be billed in the destination’s regional currency.

Sometimes, it’s a YES/NO question: “Would you like to be billed in your card’s home/domestic currency?” select NO or DECLINE.

Sometimes, they will try to make it look like DCC is more advantageous. It will show you the conversion rate as well as then ask you to select between “Proceed with unknown Rate” as well as “Proceed with the Guaranteed Rate.” Wow, “guaranteed.” It’s an appealing word. however no, decline it. select the unknown RATE. Don’t pick their “guaranteed” rate. It’s guaranteed to be bad!

Sometimes, they will insist. AftEršuješ, zatiaľ je zdržaný. Opäť sa vás opýta: „Ak nevyužívate našu konverziu, nemôžeme zabezpečiť výmenný kurz, ktorý sa použije. Ste si istí, že chcete pokračovať bez konverzie? “

Áno, ste si istí. odmietnuť premenu.

Majú karty kreditnej histórie aj DCC?

ÁNO. Niekedy, keď využijete svoju kartu úverovej histórie v zahraničí, môžete sa opýtať, či sa chcete účtovať v regionálnej mene alebo v domácej mene.

Podľa mojej skúsenosti je oveľa lepšie vybrať regionálnu menu.

2 ⃣0⃣1⃣9 ⃣ • 1⃣1⃣ • 1⃣7 ⃣

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2022 how to get S-PASS travel Coordination permit (TCP)

Last updated: 2022 • 02 • 22

S-Pass is an online travel management system developed by the department of science and technology (DOST) in line with the Inter-Agency task force on emerging infectious diseases (IATF) Resolution No. 101.

If you plan on traveling, this website will allow you to check the latest travel policies implemented by the local government units (LGUs) of your destinations and whether or not you need to secure travel permits.

Your destination may be classified as RESTRICTED, UNRESTRICTED or UNRESTRICTED but PASSING through RESTRICTED.

RESTRICTED – you need to create an S-Pass account to apply for a travel Coordination permit (TCP)

UNRESTRICTED but PASSING through restricted – you need a travel Pass-Through permit (TPP)

UNRESTRICTED (but not passing through any restricted area) – NO need for an S-Pass account, TCP or TPP.

You can go to the S-Pass website to see the current policy of the province you’re planning to visit. below is a guide on how you can create an S-Pass account.


How to create an S-PASS Account
How to apply for a TCP (Travel Coordination Pass) for restricted Areas
Frequently Asked QuestionsThe date of departure and date of Arrival fields are confusing. Aký je rozdiel?

More tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

How to create an S-PASS Account

On your Internet browser, go to s-pass.ph.

Click on REGISTER. The button is located just below the destination search box. You may also go straight to this page.

Register using your mobile number. enter your 10 digit mobile number and click NEXT.

Create your password and fill in your personal details. once you’ve filled in the details, click SUBMIT.

Review your information. double check all the information you provided. Then, complete the captcha and click CONFIRM.

How to apply for a TCP (Travel Coordination Pass) for restricted Areas

After you register, you may proceed with the process of applying for a TCP. Here’s how:

Prihláste sa do svojho účtu. On the home page, you’ll find the LOG-IN button just below the destination search box. You may also go straight to this log-in page.

Click on apply PERMIT. You’ll find the button under the ARE YOU traveling header.

Enter your current location and your destination. places are labeled by province and city or municipality. For example, if you’re traveling to BORACAY, type AKLAN – MALAY because Boracay is in the municipality of Malay in the province of Aklan. once you’ve entered the destination, you will see if you need to apply for a TCP and the other requirements. If you do, scroll to the bottom of the page and click apply FOR travel COORDINATION permit (TCP).

Fill out the S-Pass TCP Application Form. The information you need to provide include:
– celé meno
– type of traveler (local/foreign tourist, returning resident, etc.)
– emergency contacts
– travel dates
– origin LGU details
– Destination LGU details
– mode of transportation
Answer the CAPTCHA and click PROCEED.

Upload the required documents. You’re only allowed to upload one file per item, so when uploading multiple documents as one file (i.e. for other DOCUMENTS), merge them as one file. Click SUBMIT.

You must submit your TCP applications at least 2 days prior to your arrival.

The applications are processed on weekdays, 8:00am to 5:00pm.

často kladené otázky

The date of departure and date of Arrival fields are confusing. Aký je rozdiel?

The date of departure is the day you board the plane, ship or bus to your destination. The date of Arrival is the day you’re expected to reach your destination.

For most domestic flights (that are not close to midnight), these are the same dates. For example, if you’re traveling from Manila to Boracay and you’re flight is scheduled to depart NAIA at 8am and arrive in Caticlan at 9am, then the dates are the same.

But there are longer journeys, especially those traveling by bus or those who will connect at another airport. In some of these cases, the date of arrival is different from the date you left your point of origin.

This infographic succinctly explains it.

We get the confusion. It’s easy to assume that the date of departure is the date you leave the destination for your return trip, but that’s not the case. It’s the day you leave your point of origin.

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2017: THE YEAR YOU MAKE travel occur

Posted: 1/3/2017 | January 3rd, 2017

One of the most typical new Year’s resolutions people make is to travel more. It’s ideal up there with eating much better as well as going to the gym more.

And, like so lots of other resolutions, this one starts with the very best of intentions as well as motivations however commonly fails.

When asked why, most people make up some reason involving time as well as money. They ran out of time, life got in the way, they forgot to ask for time off, work got as well busy, they never saved enough, couldn’t discover a affordable ticket, yada, yada, yada.

Tomorrow is the day to hit the gym, provide up pizza, checked out more, or discover that affordable trip to Paris.

But, when you dive deeper, you normally discover people don’t comply with with since they are as well terrified to commit. They half-checked flights, looked up some hotels, as well as perhaps even went to a bookstore to get a guidebook. however when it came down to purchasing the trip, they hemmed as well as hawed as well as said, “Let me believe about it a little. perhaps tomorrow.”

After all, modification is hard. getting out of your comfort zone is hard. It takes dedicated mental energy.

Turning a dream into a truth can elicit a kind of “ohh f%%k, this is happening” moment. There’s always a mix of excitement as well as fear. “Áno!” to doing it however likewise an “uhh, what did I get myself into?” feeling.

The second you get your airplane ticket, there’s no going back. Ideš. You’re locked in.

Soon you’ll be in a location you understand nothing about, where you understand no one, as well as (maybe) don’t speak the language.

The truth of that stops a lot more people than you believe from hitting “Book Now” since they aren’t sure they are “ready.”

Now, I understand that you, dear reader, have a sense of adventure. You’re reading this blog, right? This is most likely not your problem.

But time and/or money? These things most likely concern you.

Someone actually asked me in an email last week: “Why do people still believe travel is expensive?!”

When I checked out that, I screamed at my computer, arms flailing, yelling “Right? Why indeed? That is such a great question! I still can’t figure it out! It drives me insane!”

With all the blogs, magazines, apps, travel hacking websites, as well as offer sites out there, you would believe the persistent myth that travel is costly would have started to fade away by now. however it is still there. It’s difficult to get rid of for the millions of people who grew up in the age of “travel = costly hotel/resort vacation.” For the other millions in countries that are just getting the purchasing power to believe about overseas travel, travel is extremely much still a luxury.

And luxury is synonymous with expensive.

However, there are travel deals all the time if you understand where to look. 2016 saw some extraordinary affordable fares, as well as 2017 is shaping up to be no different. (There are some crazy $400 USD round-trip flights to Europe ideal now.) Additionally, the sharing economic climate has only grown in recent years, allowing you to bypass the old travel gatekeepers, as well as link with locals for a cheaper trip.

So today, I’m going to get you somewhere in the world. I’m going to show you the trick to discovering a affordable holiday so you can begin 2017 off ideal as well as not back out of your resolution. Ready?

First, go to one of these websites: The flight Deal, holiday Pirates, or trick Flying. look for a affordable flight to a location you want to go to.

Second, book a flight. Lock yourself into a trip. Don’t concern about anything else. I pledge you whatever will work out. You can concern about a hotel, what to pack, day-to-day expenses, time off, what to do, etc., later. Those things don’t matter as well as there are lots of ways to cut those expenses! concern about the logistics later.

Third, well, that’s all there is to it. There is no third.

Once you make the commitment by buying a flight, the rest is easy. Over as well as over again, I hear from travelers, “I was so anxious about my trip. I built it up in my head so much as well as began to fret about all the ‘what ifs,’ however when I got on the road, it all fell into location as well as I wondered why I was ever anxious at all.”

I understand it seems scary to take the leap, particularly when you are on your own. I understand it can be unnerving to run out of your comfort zone. It’s generally this cartoon below, right?

The basic act of hitting “go” takes mental work!

But I’m right here for you. This site is a virtual hand. I’m right here to take the leap with you together. To be there to reassure you along the way, take away your fears, response any type of of your questions, as well as supply support. (Plus, we have a whole neighborhood of people to assist you too!)

– Matt

How to travel the world on $50 a Day

My new York TimES najpredávanejší sprievodca brožovanosťou po World Travel vám ukáže, ako zvládnuť umenie cestovania, aby ste vystúpili z vychodenej cesty, ušetrili peniaze a mali hlbší cestovný zážitok. Je to váš sprievodca plánovaním A to Z, ktorý BBC nazval „Biblia pre cestujúcich v pláne rozpočtu“.

Kliknutím doprava tu objavte oveľa viac a začnite ho čítať ešte dnes!

Zarezervujte si cestu: logistické tipy a triky
Zarezervujte si svoj let
Nájdite cenovo dostupný let pomocou SkyScanner. Je to môj preferovaný vyhľadávací nástroj, pretože vyhľadáva webové stránky, ako aj letecké spoločnosti po celom svete, takže vždy pochopíte, že žiadny kameň nezostane nezostáva.

Zarezervujte si ubytovanie
Svoju hostel si môžete rezervovať s Hostelworld. Ak chcete zostať niekde inde ako v hosteli, využite Booking.com, pretože neustále vracia najlacnejšie ceny za penzióny a hotely.

Nepamätáte si cestovné poistenie
Cestovné poistenie vás zaistí proti chorobám, zraneniu, krádeži a zrušení. Je to podrobná bezpečnosť v situácii, čokoľvek sa pokazí. Nikdy som nešiel na výlet bez toho, pretože som ho v minulosti musel využiť veľakrát. Moje preferované spoločnosti, ktoré ponúkajú najlepšie služby a hodnotu, sú:

Safetywing (najlepšie pre všetkých)

Zaistite moju cestu (pre tých nad 70 rokov)

Medjet (pre ďalšie pokrytie evakuácie)

Ste pripravení rezervovať si cestu?
Pozrite sa na moju stránku zdrojov, kde nájdete tie najlepšie spoločnosti, ktoré môžete využiť pri cestovaní. Uvádzam všetky tie, ktoré používam, keď cestujem. Sú to najlepšie v triede, pretože sa nemôžete pokaziť a využiť ich na vašej ceste.

2022 MANILA to CLARK to MANILA P2P BUS routine (NAIA, Trinoma, Clark Airport)

Last updated: 3 April 2022

Skvelá správa! now that the travel industry is slowly getting back to typical after a two-year slump, Genesis transfer has added much more trips to their P2P bus routines between Manila as well as Clark Airport.

Genesis operates two P2P Clark routes: one originating as well as terminating at NAIA terminal 3 as well as the other at TRINOMA Bus terminal (Mindanao Avenue side). The business appears to have dropped Ortigas Center, which utilized to be one more pick-up stop pre-pandemic.

Here are the offered routes, corresponding schedules, as well as other details you requirement to understand before you travel.

Čo je zahrnuté v tejto príručke?

CLARK flight terminal TO NAIA Schedule
NAIA TO CLARK flight terminal Schedule
CLARK flight terminal TO TRINOMA / NORTH EDSA Schedule
TRINOMA TO CLARK flight terminal Schedule
Dôležité poznámky
Where to stay Near Clark AirportSearch for much more hotels Near Clark Airport!

About Clark flight terminal & P2P Buses
Ďalšie návrhy na stránke YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️related Posts:

CLARK flight terminal TO NAIA Schedule

5:00 ráno



11:00 doobeda


3:00 pm

5:00 pm

6:30 pm (Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday only)

8:00 pm (Tuesday, Friday, Sunday only)

Clark flight terminal to NAIA terminal 3 (Arrival Area, Bay 2): P430
Clark flight terminal to NAIA terminal 1 or 2: P450

NAIA TO CLARK flight terminal Schedule

(via SM Clark)

5:00 ráno



11:00 doobeda


3:00 pm

5:30 pm


NAIA terminal 3 (Arrival Area, Bay 2) to Clark Airport: P430
NAIA terminal 1 or 2 to Clark Airport: P450

CLARK flight terminal TO TRINOMA / NORTH EDSA Schedule

(via SM Clark)

6:00 ráno

8:00 ráno

10:00 am

12:00 nn

3:00 pm

5:00 pm

6:30 pm

Fare: P300

TRINOMA TO CLARK flight terminal Schedule

5:30 am



11:00 doobeda


3:00 pm

5:00 pm


Fare: P300

Bus terminal Location: Trinoma Bus terminal (Mindanao Avenue Side)

Here’s a summary of the schedules:

Dôležité poznámky

Allow lots of lead time before your flight, particularly if you’re trying to catch a flight. You requirement to be at the flight terminal 3-4 hours before inspect in. Duration of check-in processes can be unpredictable, particularly at the immigration counters where queues can be long. There are likewise extra steps in the new normal. flight as well as bus routines may modification fast, so it’s finest to have some space for adjustments. Besides, based on experience pre-pandemic, these buses seem to not comply with the routine as strictly as they ought to anyway.

The overall travel time varies depending upon traffic. In my experience pre-pandemic, the overall travel time is around 2.5 hours. note that this was on a weekday late afternoon/early evening. We left Clark flight terminal at 4pm, passed by Trinoma at 5:47pm, as well as NAIA area at 6:25pm. If it’s done the other method around at the exact same time, I’m quite sure it will be much, much longer.

If your flight is in the early morning, think about costs a night in Clark for great measure. This implies much more expenses, however this purchases you some peace of mind. See the listing of DOT-accredited hotels in Clark in the next section.

These buses will NOT stop to pick up or decrease off passengers at any type of location other than the designated spots. Do not try to alight elsewhere.

Contact Genesis transfer before your trip to get their newest timetable. since of COVID-19, we’re living in extremely unusual as well as uncertain times. routines as well as policies are customized much quicker than before to change to the new policies or altering demand.

Where to stay Near Clark Airport

If you don’t want to take a possibility or you’re trying to catch a extremely early flight, you can spend a night in Clark. You should stay at a hotel that has been issued a Certificate of Authority to operate (CAO) by the department of tourism (DOT).

Here are a few of the DOT-accredited hotels in Clark as well as Angeles City that you can book on Agoda.

Winds shop Hotel
#2537, A. Santos Street, Balibago, Angeles City
Kontrola sadzieb a fotografií! ✅

Park Inn by Radisson Clark
N. A. Roxas Highway, Brgy. Dau, Mabalacat City
Kontrola sadzieb a fotografií! ✅

Central Park Tower Resort
888 Lourdes, Angeles City
Kontrola sadzieb a fotografií! ✅

Surestay plus hotel By finest Western Ac Luxe
Lot 07 & 08, Blk. 3, Surla Strt., Sta. Maria 1, Brgy. Balibago, Angeles City
Kontrola sadzieb a fotografií! ✅

Score birds hotel as well as Resort
Vian St., Balibago, Angeles City
Kontrola sadzieb a fotografií! ✅

Hotel Snow
Lot 15, Blk 13-11, Angara Street, Barangay Anunas, Angeles City
Kontrola sadzieb a fotografií! ✅

Oasis Hotel
Clark Perimeter road Angeles City
Kontrola sadzieb a fotografií! ✅

Search for much more hotels Near Clark Airport!


Pleťová maska. All passengers should wear one while on board the bus.Tepelné skenovanie pred nástupom na stravovanie. Cestujúci s teplotou 38 ° C, ako aj vyššie, nebudú mať povolené na palube autobusu.

Dodržiavajte sociálne dištancovanie. Týka sa to na palube, ako aj na palube autobusu.

Pravidelne dezinfikujte ruky s alkoholom alebo dezinfekčnými prostriedkami na palube. Môžete tiež priniesť svoje vlastné.

O spoločnosti Clark Flight Terminal & P2P Autobusy

Clark Celosvetový letový terminál je jednou z hlavných brán na Filipínach. Nachádza sa v Zone Clark Freeport, to slúži hlavne centrálne, ako aj severného Luzonu, avšak keďže je pomerne blízko, ako aj rýchlo prístupné, obyvatelia Metro Manila ho často využívajú ako alternatívny do Ninoy Aquino Celosvetový letový terminál (NaIA).

Pre metro Manila Travellers, otvorenie point-to-bodových autobusov z Manila do Clark, rovnako ako chrbát je fantastická vec. Na rozdiel od rutinných autobusov, P2P Autobusy nerobia zastávku iné ako niekoľko určených vyzdvihnutí, rovnako ako drop-off body pozdĺž cesty, cestovný čas je krátkodobé. S oveľa menej zastávok, väčšia izba nôh, rovnako ako WiFi na palube, tieto P2P Autobusy robí cestu rýchlejšie, rovnako ako oveľa pohodlnejšie.

Ďalšie návrhy na YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Súvisiace príspevky:

4 Reštaurácie sme sa snažili v Pampanga: stravovací plán

Kde ubytovanie v blízkosti CLARK: Top 10 hotelov

Clark & ​​Angeles Mesto: Cestovný sprievodca a rozpočtový plán

Ako sa dostať do Aqua Svet z Manila

2022 Výpis DOT-akreditovaných hotelov a stredísk v blízkosti Clark Flight Terminal & Angeles City

Zoznam hotely v meste DOH-BOQ-Accreditovad

Jaro Katedrála v meste Iloilo, Filipíny

LOBOC RIVER CRUISE, BOHA: Prieskumný most, rovnako ako obedový bingel

Where to stay in Bangkok: 3 budget hotels in Silom

date published: November 2014

It was a toss between Khao San road and Silom, but my friend Bebs, who had been living in Bangkok for months already, already picked for the two of us. Khao San Road, the city’s backpacking hub, is the typical choice for travelers seeking budget accommodations. Bebs, however, favored Silom, Bangkok’s company district, for its location and the benefit of the train (Silom Line) that connects it to the rest of the metropolis. numerous of the major traveler spots in Bangkok are available through the MRT or BTS; Khao San road typically requires a cab ride.

Silom was built in 1851 as part of a dyke. Today, however, it is Bangkok’s major financial center, harboring some of the country’s most significant corporations. At night, the suits and ties make way for a dynamic nightlife that consists of clubs and lounges tucked in its sois, and night markets that spring up along its stemming lanes. ATMs, money changers, benefit stores, and a broad range of restaurants flank its streets. The notorious Pat Pong is just around the corner.

Silom became my home as part of my backpacking trip across the Southeast Asian peninsula. I was able to stay in three different budget hotels and hostels: Nantra Silom Hotel, Sunflower Place, and Smile Society.

Nantra Silom Hotel

Although only about 10 minutes from the Saladaeng BTS Station, Nantra Silom hotel is quite challenging to find because it stands on an inner alley. (It took me quite a long time to finally find this place but maybe that’s just me.) but once you reach the place, it will be worth it. The interior gave a “new and clean” feel (maybe because it was new and clean? Lol) and their 24-hour front desk staff greeted us with a smile. The reception and common areas looked homey yet very modern and elegant. The twin room we booked was spacious and well-lit, and was equipped with cable television TV and totally free wi-fi connection.

Photo by Nantra Silom
My friend Bebs swimming under the blanket
Nantra Silom hotel Toilet an bath corner
In one corner was the restroom — and when I say corner, I imply corner. A shower curtain separates the toilet and bath from the rest of the room, which I found awfully uncomfortable. It was squeaky clean but I was just not fine with the idea of my roommate hearing (and smelling) my activities in it. other than that, it was a delightful stay.

Nantra Silom Hotel
130/8-12 Soi 8 Silom Road, Suriwong, Silom, 10510 Bangkok
+66 2 634 2441

The Sunflower Place

It was the restroom that actually led me to search for another budget hotel. Off to Hostelworld I went and found another boasting stunning reviews — the Sunflower Place. Thankfully, it is located just behind Nantra Silom, a little deeper into the wild block. Unlike the streamlined and minimalist aesthetic of Nantra Silom, the Sunflower place is dynamic and warm. The twin room assigned to us (which I got for THB 890) was big and very comfortable, although I still choose the fresher, much more modern style of Nantra. It had a bathroom, a real one, and it was spacious, too.

Sunflower Place
Sunflower place twin Room
Tours provided at Sunflower Place
One touch that I greatly appreciated about the Sunflower place was the ample signs about tourist-directed scams. They were posted on the lobby and inside the elevator. I wouldn’t have known about these scams had I not seen the posters. true enough, I would encounter these scammers as I roamed around the city and at the time, I knew exactly that I ought to avoid them.

The Sunflower Place
39/17-19 Soi Anuman-Rajdhon, Surawong Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand

Smile Society

Not too far from Nantra Silom and Sunflower place is Smile Society. I stayed here in my many recent trip to Bangkok (July 2014). I have to say, of the three, Smile has the most “backpacker” vibe. There are comfortable but still comfortable common areas where guests could get to know one another. It was world cup during my stay and everyone gathered in front of the TV every night.

I booked a triple room (for I was with two friends this time around) and it was tidy and pleasant.

The best part: the owner was extremely helpful. From the most trusted money changers to wholesome clubs, she knew in which direction to point us and was always pleased to assist. I was hours too early for checkin but she still accommodated me.

The only strange thing I encountered during my stay was that photography was prohibited. I never knew why, but I just followed. Hence, I have no photos of the place.

Smile society
130/3-4, Silom Soi 6, Silom Road,
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand

Viac návrhov na YouTube ⬇

Súvisiace príspevky:

For the love of Siam Square and Platinum mall in Bangkok

DIY BANGKOK TEMPLES & RIVER TOUR: 6 popular Attractions

BANGKOK ON A BUDGET: travel guide

Grand palace and temple of the emerald Buddha in Bangkok

BANGKOK TO SIEM REAP by BUS or TRAIN:prechádzať hranicu

Vzorka DIY Bangkok Itinerary: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 dní

Letisko Bangkok na vlakovú stanicu Hua Lamphong

Letisko Bangkok do centra mesta: Silom a Khao San Road

Melbourne Travel Guide s rozpočtovým harmonogramom

Náš prvý deň v Melbourne bol séria nešťastných udalostí.

Prvé dve hodiny sme strávili bezcieľne putovaním po prakticky prázdnych uliciach. Očakávalo sa mi, že sa budem spoliehať na to, že sa dát potuluje prvý deň, ale z nejakého dôvodu sa moja servisná spoločnosť rozhodla znížiť moju linku napriek tomu, že som zaplatila svoj účet v plnej výške ešte pred mojou cestou. Bolo by ľahké nájsť vreckovú kartu WiFi alebo SIM kartu, ale naše lietadlo pristálo skoro ráno, o 3:00 a žiadny z obchodov na letisku alebo meste nebol otvorený. Na chvíľu som sa pripojil k letisku Wi -Fi, aby som načítal mapy Google a hľadal nejaké informácie a rozhodol som sa vydať do môjho hotela.

Bez prístupu na internet sme vzali autobus a úspešne sme sa dostali do mesta, aby sme skončili nalodením na nesprávnu električku, pričom nás odviedli ďalej od môjho hotela. Lol. Pokúsili sme sa privítať taxík, ale nebolo tu veľa prejsť okolo a žiadna z nich by sa nezastavila. S batožinou v ťahu sme sa rozhodli ísť len do frontu taxíkov, ktoré sme našli skôr, osem blokov ďalej. Chladný, studený stredný automatický vietor zametal široké ulice Melbourne. Keď sme konečne dorazili do hotela, recepčná nás privítala srdečným a srdečným privítaním. Vedel som, že to bude príliš skoro na registráciu, ale usmiala sa, že už existuje k dispozícii miestnosť a že by sme sa mohli skontrolovať, či sme tak uprednostňovali. “Je to tvoj šťastný deň,” povedala. Nemala potuchy.

Keď som konečne narazil na posteľ, aby som si oddýchol, okamžite mi bolo pripomenuté prvé roky chudobného cestovateľa. Postavili sme tento blog, aby sme predložili naše nesprávnosti a zdieľali návrhy na našich čitateľov, aby sa mohli poučiť z našich chýb. Tento výlet je jednou z našich mnohých nezabudnuteľných, pretože sme sa na ceste urobili veľa chýb. Takže tu je náš cestovný sprievodca v Melbourne a tu dúfame, že sa z toho dozviete.

Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?

Pochopenie Melbourne
Kde zostať v oblasti MelbourneBest, aby zostal v Melbourne
Najlepšie rozpočtové hotely v Melbourne
Top Melbourne Apartments na prenájom
Top Melbourne Hostels and Dormitories
Vyhľadajte oveľa viac hotelov v Melbourne!

Ako sa dostať na letisko Melbournemelbourne do centra mesta
Letisko Avalon do centra mesta Melbourne
Stanica južného kríža do vášho hotela

Ako sa obísť Melbourneby Public Transportation Free Tram Zone
Ako funguje karta Myki?

Uber alebo taxík
Vyhliadkovým autobusom

Čo robiť v Melbournegreat Ocean Road
Tour Melbourne City Tour
Trh kráľovnej Victoria
Pozorovacie koleso Melbourne Star
Eureka Skydeck
Ostrov Phillip
Zoologická záhrada Werribee Open Range
Brighton Beach
Ostatné atrakcie Melbourne

Itinerár Melbourne
Ďalšie návrhy Melbourne pre chudobných cestovateľov
Často kladené otázky týkajúce sa Melbourneis Melbourne v bezpečí?
Potrebujeme vízum, aby sme sa pozreli na Melbourne?
Sú prisťahovalectvo a zvyky v Melbourne prísne?
Kedy je najlepší čas na vyskúšanie Melbourne?
Aký typ výkonovej zástrčky / zásuvky sa používa v Melbourne?
Je Melbourne drahý? Aké sú typické náklady na bežné položky?
Čo je v Melbourne prispôsobené vyklápanie?
Čo je etiketa eskalátora v Melbourne?
Kde je najlepšie miesto na výmenu peňazí v Melbourne?
Čo je lepšie: Sydney alebo Melbourne?

Viac návrhov na stránkach YouTube ⬇ súvisiace príspevky:

Pochopenie Melbourne

Melbourne sa nachádza pozdĺž južného okraja Austrálie. Je kolísaný v chránenom Port Phillip Bay, ktorý sa otvára na basový prieliv a oddeľuje pevninu od ostrova Tasmánia.

Pred príchodom Európanov austrálski domorodci túto oblasť obsadili tisíce rokov. V 19. storočí sa úplne slobodní osadníci z Tasmánie (v tom čase nazývaní krajina Van Diemen) presťahovali do tohto rohu austrálskeho kontinentu. Nasledovali ďalšie skupiny osadníkov. Vtedy bola oblasť súčasťou britskej kolónie Nového Južného Walesu. 30. augusta 1835 bolo mesto založené, pomenované po Británii premiéra, William Lamb, 2. Viscount Melbourne. V nasledujúcich desaťročiach došlo k zlatému zhonu, ktorý podnietil rýchly rozvoj a rast populácie mesta.

Dnes je Melbourne hlavným mestom austrálskeho štátu Victoria. Ďalej do Sydney je to druhé najväčšie austrálske mesto, ktoré je domovom približne 5 miliónov obyvateľov, a jeden z najviac, na ktoré sa cestujú cestujúcimi, pričom jeho hlavné letisko v rokoch 2016-17 privítalo viac ako 35 miliónov cestujúcich.

Tu je niekoľko užitočných kúskov o Melbourne.

Umiestnenie: Melbourne je súčasťou Victoria v Austrálii. Je to na južnej pologuli, takže sa tešia v lete v decembri a zimnej sezóne v júni-auguste. Súradnice: 37 ° 48’49 ″ S 144 ° 57’47 ″ E.

Časové pásmo: UTC+10. Austrálsky východný konvenčný čas (AEST). Melbourne je pred Filipínami, Singapur alebo Malajzia o 2 hodiny a pred Japonskom o 1 hodinu. Čas šetrenia denného žiarenia je v lete v platnosti: AEDT (UTC+11).

Jazyk: Hovorí sa angličtina väčšinou. Mandarin, grécky, taliansky a Vietnamci sa však hovorí významným zlomkom populácie.

Mena: Austrálsky dolár (AUD). Aud1 je zhruba PHP36, 0.7 USD, SGD 0,95, EUR0,62, (od júla 2019). Ak máte mAestro, Cirrus, Visa, Mastercard Debetné karty, môžete odstúpiť z bankomatov. Alebo pred letom choďte do miestnej banky a kúpte si AUD.

Režimy platby: Karty o hotovosti a kreditných správach sú zvyčajne akceptované, ale mesto sa pohybuje bezhotovostným smerom.

Kde zostať v Melbourne

Ak sa pozriete na mapu Melbourne, zistíte, že je rozdelená na dve rieky Yarra. Mesto je ešte viac rozdelené do niekoľkých okresov, ale cestujúci sa môžu zamerať na päť oblastí, o ktorých budem hovoriť nižšie.

Central Company District (CBD), ktorý sa nachádza severne od rieky Yarra. V mnohých mestách po celom svete je finančná štvrť oddelená od svojho starého mesta. V Melbourne je CBD tiež jej historickým jadrom, vďaka čomu je najoptimálnejším miestom na pobyt pre turistov. Je dobre prepojený s mnohými ďalšími časťami mesta a okolitých predmestí.

Docklands, tiež severne od rieky Yarra, ale západne od CBD. Myslite na to ako na Melbourneho prístav. V pravidelnom dni tu nie je veľa aktivít, ale atrakcie zahŕňajú štadión Marvel, pozorovacie koleso Melbourne Star a niektoré nákupné centrá.

Southbank, ktorá stojí na južných brehoch rieky, teda meno (duh). Toto je mestské domáce zábavné centrum s divadelným komplexom a oblasť Crown Casino.

Vnútorný sever, oblasť bezprostredne severne od CBD. Jeho mapa je zatienená množstvom záhrad a parkov, ale najobľúbenejším miestom cestovateľov je Zoo Melbourne.

St. Kilda, južne od centra mesta. Objavil sa ako mestský batohový okres; Vďaka svojmu dynamickému nočnému životu, dostupnej Bay Beach a množstvu nákladovo efektívnych hostelov a reštaurácií. Medzi atrakcie patrí Luna Park a Sunday Art Market.

Najlepšia oblasť na pobyt v Melbourne

Ktorá je najlepšia oblasť? Závisí to od mnohých vecí.

Ak cestujem s rodinou alebo priateľmi, určite si vyberiem CBD. Všetko ostatné je tiež ľahko dostupné odtiaľto. Ale ak cestujem sám, pravdepodobne zvážim St. Kildu. Existujú aj priame autobusy z letiska do oboch oblastí.

Ak sa rozhodnete zostať v CBD, vyberte hotel alebo hostel v blízkosti vlakovej stanice, takže ak sa rozhodnete vidieť atrakcie mimo mesta, nemusíte chodiť na veľké vzdialenosti alebo sa príliš spoliehať na električku. Najmä zvážte oblasti blízke:

Hlavná stanica

Stanica južného kríža

Obaja sú v dobrom mieste: prasknutie nízkonákladovým ubytovaním, jedlom a nakupovaním. Ale verím, že stanica Southern Cross je oveľa ideálnejšia. Zostal som v blízkosti Central, pretože som bezradne predpokladal, že je to hlavná stanica mesta. Ukázalo sa, že stanica Southern Cross je skutočným srdcom mesta, pretože mnoho vlakových tepien prechádza touto oblasťou, najmä ak plánujete vidieť predmestia a atrakcie mimo mesta, ako je Werribee. V skutočnosti sa zvyčajne považujem za prenos na južnom kríži, keď prichádzam z centra.

Na južnom kríži tiež začína alebo ukončí niekoľko autobusových liniek. Početné organizované cesty majú niekde v okolí svoje stretnutia. Takže, je to pre mňa južný kríž.

Mnohé bežné ubytovanie v Melbourne sú hotely. Všetky sú drahé, najmä ak ste zvyknutí na sadzby juhovýchodnej Ázie. Ale životné náklady sú vo všeobecnosti dosť vysoké. V CBD sú k dispozícii rozpočtové hotely. Ďalšou mierne nákladovo efektívnejšou možnosťou je rezervácia domu alebo miestnosti v obytnej budove alebo v oblasti. K dispozícii sú aj hostely.

Nižšie sú uvedené najvyššie hodnotené vlastnosti na Agode, ktoré hodnotili zákazníci.

Najlepšie rozpočtové hotely v Melbourne

Ibis Melbourne Central. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅

Brady Hotels Central Melbourne. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅

Rendezvous hotel Melbourne. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅

Hotel Jazz Corner. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅

Top Melbourne Apartments na prenájom

AML House (Agoda)

Únik na stanici Southern Cross. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅

AML byt. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅

Apartmány s výhľadom na hniezdo. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅

Top Melbourne Hostels and Dormitories

Pre cestujúcich v rozpočte a batohov je pobyt v hosteli úžasný nápad. Nielenže ušetríte nejaké peniaze, ale tiež sa stretnete s ostatnými cestujúcimi. Nájdete hostely v blízkosti stanice Southern Cross Station (Melbourne Central YHA) alebo iné časti CBD, ktoré ponúkajú postele za nízku ako 30 dolárov za noc.

Väčšina hostelov má tiež otvorenú kuchyňu, kde si môžete variť vlastné jedlá. Týmto spôsobom veľa ušetríte na jedle.

United Backpackers. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅

Melbourne Central Yha. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅

Space Hotel. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅

Europa Melbourne. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅

Nomads batohov Melbourne. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅

Vyhľadajte oveľa viac hotelov v Melbourne!

Ako sa dostať do Melbourne

Ako jeden z mnohých populárnych destinácií v Austrálii je Melbourne spojený vzduchom s rôznymi mestami po celom svete a viac ako 30 ďalších destinácií v Austrálii. Podávajú ho dve letiská:

Melbourne airport (MEL), also known as Tullamarine airport because it’s located in the suburb of Tullamarine, north of the city center. As the bigger airport, it is used by much more airlines including Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific.

Avalon airport (AVV), located in Avalon in Geelong City, 50 km southwest of Melbourne. It’s used mainly by JetStar and AirAsia.

If you’re coming from Manila, the easiest and many convenient flights are provided by Philippine Airlines. PAL, the country’s four-star flag-carrier, uses a 309-seater Airbus A330-300. They use the Melbourne Tullamarine Airport. travel time is only around 8 hours.

Regular fares can go as low as USD233 one-way, which can still go lower when there’s a promo. All bookings come with totally free 25kg baggage allowance and a hot meal, a snack, and complimentary alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

All seats are equipped with personal TV screen featuring an outstanding collection of films and series, and in-seat USB power supply! I binge-watched episodes of young Sheldon onboard! Haha. It’s also myPAL wi-fi enabled!


The easiest way to travel between the airport and the city center is by taking the SkyBus, which runs for 24 hours (varying frequencies throughout the day). The journey lasts 30-45 minutes, depending on traffic.

Image courtesy of Klook
After emerging from the immigration and Customs inspection area, head to the exit to your right. right away outside, you’ll fine the SkyBus stop. You’ll know you’re at the best place when you see the electronic ticket kiosks and a ticket booth.

You can book a SkyBus ticket through the electronic machines here. note that these machines don’t accept cash, only credit report cards. Fare: AUD 19.75, one-way; AUD 38, roundtrip. All buses are equipped with totally free wifi.

You can also book online. You can score a small discount if you book with Klook ahead of time.

✅ get discounted TICKETS HERE!

There is also a less expensive option: taking the public bus. but it takes a lot longer! If you’re interested, you can read about it here: MELBOURNE airport TO CITY CENTER!

Letisko Avalon do centra mesta Melbourne

Avalon airport (AVV) is located in the city of Geelong, roughly an hour away from Melbourne CBD. just like at Melbourne Airport, you can catch the SkyBus to the city center. However, it is NOT available 24 hours.

First trip: 9am

Last trip: 12 midnight

The bus passes through Werribee before reaching Melbourne. It terminates at southern cross Station.

Fare: A$24 one-way, A$46 round-trip.

Travel time: 1 hour.

You can book at the airport when you arrive but you can also book online in advancement for a small discount.

✅ get discounted TICKETS HERE!

Stanica južného kríža do vášho hotela

Whether they’re coming from Melbourne airport or Avalon Airport, all SkyBus units bound for Melbourne CBD terminates at southern cross Station. If your hotel is nearby, you can just walk from the station. This is just one of the reasons why the southern cross area is the best place to stay in the city. just use Google Map to navigate.

If your hotel is located in other parts of the CBD, you have plenty of options too. If you’re arriving between 6:30am and 7:30pm, you can avail of the complimentary transfer from southern cross station to a stop near your hotel. This is FREE-OF-CHARGE for those who took the SkyBus. It operates 7 days a week, 06:30 to 19:30. You can find the stop closest to your hotel here.

If your hotel is closer to central Station, you can also travel by tram (free), train (fare: A$4.40), taxi (fare: around A$10.6), or Uber (around A$8.6) to central area.


If traveling within CBD, I choose walking. Melbourne is a very pretty city, with a distinct European vibe that other Australian cities don’t possess. You’ll also stumble upon delightful surprises like artful graffiti and food kiosks.

By Public Transportation

There are plenty of options to get around including trams, trains and buses. but how do you know which is the best

How to Monetize a travel blog – A guide for beginners

This post was written by James Patrick Murray. checked out a lot more about James in the author’s bio at the bottom of this post!

In the Goat’s Blogging guide for Beginners they covered whatever that you requirement to understand about exactly how to set up your own blog, from protecting web area from a web hold such as BlueHost, or 1&1, to creating the blog itself.

Being able to monetize your blog is a bit a lot more challenging than the set-up process as well as it will take a specific amount of time as well as attention. That being said, it is never as well early to begin believing about establishing your monetization strategy.

If you want to travel a lot more frequently as well as you like composing about your experiences, there’s no much better task in the world than travel blogging. It’s a widely known truth that people who travel are normally happier, so why not make a living out of it?!

Wondering exactly how to begin a travel blog? inspect out our publish here. Click right here to begin your blog today ? 

Let’s begin at the extremely Beginning

First as well as foremost, you requirement to develop a readership. If you do not have sufficient web traffic pertaining to your blog, you will not be able to monetize it.

First, produce meaningful, appropriate material that people will want to read, like, as well as share. having a special take is always crucial too. sites like yTravelBlog.com have filled a space in the travel blogging market, by focusing solely on household travel.

It’s crucial that you stay socially active by publishing blog updates on social network platforms as well as preserve an active publishing routine on your blog itself.

Encourage visitors to comply with the blog by integrating a Lightbox opt-in function that gets visitors to indication as much as an email listing to ensure that you can notify them as soon as a new publish is up, preserving a consistent amount of return traffic.

It likewise assists to network with other blog writers in your field as well as guest publish on each other’s blogs, which not only supplies you with a lot more appropriate content, however likewise expands your readership reach.

Top Monetization Options

Once you have well established your blog as well as have a considerable following, it is time to commence monetization.

The info that you have to offer people – from ideas on discounted airfare to ideas on backpacking – becomes rewarding as well as so as well does the physical real-estate of your blog. below is a short summary of the different methods for you to make money with your blog:

1. product Reviews/Paid Posts

Depending on your blogging niche, agreeing to publish product evaluations can bring in a great bit income, not to mention complimentary products.

This is particularly lucrative for fashion bloggers; however, travel blog writers have a considerable advantage for examining products too, from sunscreen to backpacks, as well as whatever in between.

Maybe you won’t be examining a 5 star hotel in Maui yet, however it’s a start. What is crucial though is to preserve the integrity that originally gained your readership. only evaluation products that have an affinity with your blog’s subject matter as well as style. If you offer out as well as lose face, you will likewise lose your readership.

2. offer ad Space

Having banner ads or Google AdSense implemented on your blog just makes sense, considering that you don’t have to do anything other than enable the program gain access to to your site. Of program this is normally a smaller amount of income, however it is still a great method to monetize, as well as as your web traffic grows, the a lot more clicks these ads get and the a lot more money you get.

3. affiliate Marketing

Successful affiliate advertising depends on your capability to offer somebody else’s product. It can frequently are available in the type of a mention in an post (not like a product review).

Ultimately you requirement to be cautious with this, since padding articles with unrelated affiliate links will not only intensify visitors however may likewise confuse Google, leading to a decrease on the SERPs. Be wise when choosing affiliates as well as always keep your material rich as well as relevant.

4. offer products as well as services of Your Own

On the other hand, instead of selling other people’s products, you might be selling your own. This can are available in the type of selling your blogging skills as a service (freelancing), eBooks, mentoring/coaching, on the internet programs as well as consulting.

Of program this is just the idea of the iceberg; existujúKaždý deň sa objavujú nové aj inovatívne techniky speňaženia. Majte na pamäti, že nič z toho sa nestane rýchlo cez noc, takže buďte pripravení byť v ňom na diaľku.

Páči sa mi to? Pripnúť! „

Autor’s Bio:

James Patrick Murray je írska americká literatúra, ktorá študuje literatúru v Berlíne, ako aj batohom s Európou, zatiaľ čo skladá svoju prácu.

Zrieknutie sa zodpovednosti: Kozy na ceste sú partnerom Amazonu, ako aj pridruženou spoločnosťou pre niektorých ďalších maloobchodníkov. To naznačuje, že provízie robíme, ak kliknete na odkazy na našom blogu, ako aj nákup od týchto maloobchodníkov.

24 hodín v Dubline: Čo robiť, keď máte iba 1 deň

Aktualizované: 03/02/19 | 2. marca 2019

Je nemožné vidieť mesto – akékoľvek mesto – v samotnom 24 hodinách. Trvá mesiace, ak nie roky, naozaj sa dostať pod kožu miesta. Ale ako cestujúci, nemáme vždy mesiace (nechať sami rokov!). Niekedy všetko, čo máme Nikdy sa nedostanete preč s dôkladným pochopením mesta, ale to neznamená, že by ste sa nemali snažiť!

Čo je presne to, čo som musel urobiť, keď som sa ocitol na nočnom usporiadaní v Dubline. Mal som len dvadsaťštyri hodín, aby som sa pozrieť na mesto a bol potrebný na prekrytie tisícročného mesta do jedného cesty.

Bolo to možné? Áno. Bolo to ťažké? Ó, áno!

Tu je, ako som strávil deň v Dubline.


8:00 – Prebudiť!

9:00 – Dublinský hrad

9:30 – Katedrála sv. Patrika

10:00 AM – Guines Storehouse

12:00 – Kilmainham Gaol

13:00 – Obed

2:00 – Múzeum v Dubline Writer

15:00 PM – Trinity College / Kniha Kells

16:00 – Národné múzeum histórie

18:00 – Večera a nápoje na Bar

8:00 – am – Wake up / Sprcha / Raňajky
Zabaľte si občerstvenie a dať na vychádzkovú obuv. Bude to rušný deň! Zoberte si nejaké raňajky na váš hostel alebo niekde v blízkosti. Opýtajte sa svojho hostelového personálu pre návrhy – budú mať nejaké miesta na navrhovanie! Po celú dobu budete na nohách, takže je to najlepšie naplniť teraz. Tieto kalórie budete hneď napáliť!

Tiež sa uistite, že ste vyplnili fľašu s vodou, než odídete a že váš fotoaparát je nabitý a pripravený ísť!

9:00 – Dublinský hrad

Dublinský hrad je skôr ako palác ako hrad, ale je dobré vidieť rýchlo. To bolo najprv založené v 13. storočí, aj keď to bolo prestavané početné časy počas rokov (väčšina súčasnej budovy bola postavená v 18. storočí). Do roku 1922 to je miesto, kde British vládol Írsko.

Počas vašej návštevy budete mať možnosť prehliadky prehliadky alebo turné so sprievodcom. Samo-vedená prehliadka nebude pokrývať toľko exponátov, aj keď to bude rýchlejšie, takže si vyberte podľa toho, akú možnosť vyhovuje vášmu záujmu.

Vstupné je 10 EUR pre prehliadku prehliadky a 7 EUR pre samoobslužný prehliadku. Hrad je otvorený denne od 9:45 am-5:45pm.

9:30 – Katedrála sv. Patrika

Táto katedrála je pomenovaná po Zákazníku svätého Írska, táto katedrála je celkom pôsobivé. Súčasné budovy dátum od 1191, a slávna knižnica Marša je najstaršia v Írsku.

Je to oficiálna národná katedrála Írska, hoci nezvyčajne tam nie je biskup (oficiálne katedrály zvyčajne vyžadujú biskup). Dublin má ďalšiu katedrálu (Kristová cirkevná katedrála), ktorá je celkom zriedkavá – zvyčajne v meste je povolená len 1 katedrála. To je dôvod, prečo sa St. Patrick sa stal Národnou katedrálou: aby sa zabránilo konfliktom s katedrálou Kristovej cirkvi ako oficiálna katedrála mesta.

Katedrála je otvorené pracovné dni z 9:30 am-5pm a od 9:00 – 5:00 v sobotu (v nedeľu sú obmedzené hodiny, ktoré sa líšia v závislosti od ročného obdobia). Vstupné je 7 EUR pre dospelých a počas celého dňa sú k dispozícii bezplatné exkurzie.

10:00 – Guinnessový sklad
Nie je nič, ako začať svoj deň s výdatným pintom! (Je to niekde 5 hodín, v poriadku?) Tu sa môžete dozvedieť všetko o histórii Guinness, Írsko je veľa slávneho piva.

Továreň tu bola dostala v roku 1759 a má 9000-ročný prenájom. Vytvára približne tri milióny pintov Guinness denne, a koniec svojej 90 minútovej prehliadky, môžete hlavu rovnako ako gravitačný bar pre bezplatnú pintu. Miesto tiež dodáva vynikajúce 360 ​​° pohľady na mesto. Snažte sa vyhnúť sa kontroly cez víkendové popoludnia, pretože miesto sa stáva stojacou miestnosťou.

Vstup je 18,50 EUR (ktorý zahŕňa váš voľný pint) a skladový priestor je otvorený denne od 9:30 am-7pm (hoci posledný záznam je na 17:00).

12:00 – Kilmainham Gaol

Tento Gaol bol použitý ako väzenie až do roku 1910. Bolo dočasne použité po Veľkonočnom povstaní z roku 1916 a počas vojny nezávislosti odňatia slobody a hromadných poprav. Typicky bolo asi osem ľudí na malú bunku. Ani nebola žiadna segregácia. Muži, ženy a deti Všetky zdieľané bunky (záznamy ukazujú mladiství ako mladí ako 7, ktorí sú tu konajú). Každá bunka mala len jednu sviečku na svetlo. Udržať väzenskú populáciu v šeku, mnohí väzni dospelých boli odoslané do Austrálie.

V roku 1960 to bolo vrátené a otvorené ako múzeum v 90. rokoch. Má úžasnú úvodnú exponát, a váš lístok vám dostane prehliadku, ktorá trvá jednu hodinu a začína na hodinu.

Otváracie hodiny sa budú líšiť v závislosti od mesiaca, ale zvyčajne sa otvárajú od 9:00-5pm. Admission is 8 EUR for adults, with discount rates available for families, students, and seniors.

1:00pm – Lunch

I really took pleasure in the area around Mary/High Street. It’s far away from the Gaol, so you need to take the bus, but it’s right near the next attraction. The area is also right near tDublinový spire a je veľkým nákupným priestorom pre chodcov s množstvom reštaurácií. Počas víkendu existujú niektoré trhy s potravinami.

Chcete cestovať Európu ako odborník?

Získajte všetky moje najlepšie nápady v Európe, ako aj bezplatné plánovanie Toolkit, ktorý obsahuje nasledujúce príručky odoslané do priečinka Doručená pošta:

Ako zostať okolo 90-dňového limitu

61 Smart Travel Tips

Konečný kontrolný zoznam obalov

Moje obľúbené podnikanie na použitie


Pošlite mi cestovné tipy!

2:00 – Múzeum v Dubline Writer
Dublin má bohatú literárnu históriu, vrátane veľkých, ako je James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, W.B Yeats a Samuel Beckett. Múzeum, ktoré bolo otvorené v roku 1991, robí úžasnú prácu, keď zdôrazňuje svoje príspevky. Zvukový sprievodca je výnimočne úplný a určite stojí za to dostať.

Ak nie ste značný literárny buff, šance nemusíte tráviť viac ako tridsať minút. Naučíte sa veľa o príspevkoch írskeho spisovateľa a získať lepší, najhlasnejší pocit ich kultúry a identity.

Múzeum je otvorený pondelok-sobota od 9:45 am-4:45pm a nedele od 11:00-4:30. Prijímanie je 7,50 EUR pre dospelých.

15:00 PM – Trinity College / Kniha Kells

Toto je Írsko je veľa slávnej školy. Hlavnou remízou je Kniha Kells, deviateho storočia osvetlený rukopis. Vstupenky na prehliadku a vstup do knihy Kells stojí 14 EUR pre dospelých. Exkurzie behajú denne v konkrétnych časoch, ale úpravy plánu každý mesiac, takže si určite rezervujete dopredu.

16:00 – Národné múzeum histórie
Dokončiť svoj deň tu učením sa všetkého o histórii Írska. Múzeum pokrýva všetko od Vikingov do anglického pravidla do Michaela Collins a IRA na nezávislosť. Je to veľmi komplexné múzeum, takže by ste mohli ľahko stráviť niekoľko hodín tu (ak chcete tu pár hodín, stačí posunúť svoj deň, aby ste prišli na 3pm namiesto 4pm).

Vstup je zadarmo. Múzeum je zatvorené v pondelok. Je to inak otvorený utorok-sobota od 10:00 do 5:00 a nedele od 2 pm-5pm.

18:00 – Večera a nápoje na Bar

Iste, je to turistická, ale je to celkom dobrá “craic”, keď by írsky povedal. Môžete sa dostať preč od hlavného turistického cestovného a hlavy do Porterhouse, miestny pivovar, ktorý robí vynikajúce pevné a úžasné írske jedlo. Bez ohľadu na to, kam idete, hoci po tom, čo behom po celý deň, budete určite potrebovať ďalší nápoj a niektoré výdatné jedlo.

Zvyčajne je tu veľa živých hudby. Ak si nie ste istí, kam sa pozeráte, opýtajte sa svojho hostelového personálu. Môžu vám pomôcť nájsť živý krčm, aby ste strávili večer!

Dublin je mesto, ktoré potrebuje viac ako len 24 hodín. Ak ste na hodinách a môžete spravovať len krátku návštevu, zvážte, že ste vzali hop na / hop. Viem, že je to super turistická, ale drasticky znižuje váš čas chôdze a umožní vám tlačiť viac do vášho dňa.
Ak máte ešte menej času, zvážte si bezplatnú turné. Dostanete sa vidieť veľa z hlavných pamiatok a naučiť sa niekoľko z histórie bez toho, aby ste museli stráviť celý deň beh okolo mesta (väčšina exkurzií posledných 3 hodín). Len sa uistite, že ste si vybrali sprievodcu!

Páči sa mi môj čas v Dubline. Dvadsaťhodinové hodiny nerobí toto miesto spravodlivosť, ale ak sa snažíte nájsť, ako stráviť dlhé usporiadanie v Dubline alebo organizovať svoj čas tu, dúfam, že tento príspevok pomohol!

Rezervujte si výlet do Dublinu: Logistické nápady a triky
Rezervujte si let
Použite Skyscanner alebo Momondo nájsť lacný let. Sú to moje dve obľúbené prehliadať motory, pretože prezerajú webové stránky a letecké spoločnosti po celom svete, takže vždy viete, že žiadny kameň zostane nechutný. Začnite najprv Skyscanner, pretože majú najväčší dosah!

Rezervujte si ubytovanie
Môžete si rezervovať ubytovňu s Hostelworld, pretože majú najväčšie zásoby a najlepšie ponuky. Ak chcete zostať niekde iný ako hostel, použite Booking.com, pretože neustále vracia najmenej drahé sadzby pre penzióny a lacné hotely. Moje obľúbené miesta na pobyt sú:

Generátor Hostel – Toto je jeden z mojich obľúbených hostelových reťazcov. It’s clean, cheap, and they typically play live music.

Nezabudnite na cestovné poistenie
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite business that offer the best service and value are:

Bezpečnostné krídlo (pre každého menej ako 70)

Poistiť moju cestu (pre osoby nad 70)

Medjet (pre dodatočné pokrytie repatriácie)

Looking for the best business to save money with?
Check out my resource page for theNajlepšie podnikanie používať, keď cestujete. Zoznam všetkých tých, ktoré používam, aby som ušetril peniaze, keď som na ceste. Ušetria vám peniaze, keď cestujete.

Chcete viac informácií o Dubline?
Uistite sa, že sa pozrite na náš robustný cieľový sprievodca na Dubline pre ešte viac plánovacích tipov!

A mini guide to travelling London, England

London is simultaneously one of the most modern cities on earth, while at the same time boasting a rich history that’s clearly visible at every turn.

Contemporary architecture sits seamlessly alongside modern high-rise buildings like the Gherkin and ancient traditions are maintained as it embraces and develops cutting edge technology.

This curious mix makes the capital city of England a fascinating place to visit and is part of the reason why it’s home to almost 9 million people. There is so much to occupy your time here that it can be hard to narrow down the options.

Here’s my guide to travelling London, England.

Things To See and Do
Kde zostať
What to eat and Drink
When to Visit
How to get around London
Ready to travel to London?

Things To See and Do

Let’s start with the best part: what to see and do in London.

Do you know what’s better than great attractions? great attractions that are free.

Free Attractions in London

Self-guided walking tours featuring seven distinct routes, all mapped out for you. Whether you’d like to stroll through the suburbs, woods and parks, iconic landmarks, or something else, you can download route directions right here.

Catching free museum exhibits is a great way to save some cash. check out the British Museum, national Gallery, national portrait Gallery, Tate Britain, Tate Modern, natural history Museum, science Museum, V&A, the two Museums of London, and the British Library.

All major public events in the capital – carnivals, fairs, open theatres, and more – cost nothing to attend! You’ll find an events calendar here.

Big Ben, house of Parliament, Tower of London, Piccadilly Circus, Camden Market, Convent Garden, and small theatre performances are other free/affordable ways to soak in the city’s charms and historical richness. 

Buckinghamský palác

This is where the Queen of England actually lives when she’s in London and has been home to the British royal family since 1837.

Though you can’t actually enter the grounds other than for a short period during the summer months, it’s still a spectacular building to look at from the outside.

Watching the changing of the guard at Buckingham palace is another can’t-miss tradition that won’t cost you a penny. So is the changing of the horse guards.

The changing of the horse guards happens at 11 a.m. at Whitehall, and the changing of the guard happens at 11:30 a.m. at Buckingham Palace.

The palace of Westminster & big Ben

Alternatively known as the houses of Parliament thanks to being the meeting place for the Parliament of the United Kingdom, The palace of Westminster is a grand complex overlooking the River Thames.

It’s one of the most recognizable buildings in the capital city and is also home to big Ben.

Though many people believe this to be the name of the clock tower, it actually refers to the enormous bell within it that has chimed out across the city for over 150 years.

The palace of Westminster looks particularly spectacular seen from across the river at night when its illuminated reflection appears in the River Thames.

Katedrála sv. Pavla

This vast cathedral dates back to the 17th century, and its giant dome dominated the London skyline for over 200 years throughout which it remained the tallest building in the city.

Even though it has been eclipsed by the many skyscrapers that have been built over the past 40 years, it’s still one of London’s most impressive and recognizable buildings. It’s a working church and services of worship are still held here at various times each day, as well as other significant ceremonies and celebrations.

Westminsterské opátstvo

Westminster Abbey, the church where royal coronations and burials have taken place for ages, is normally 20 GBP to visit. If you’re there to worship on Sundays, it’s free.

Visit the Art Galleries

London is home to some of the most famous and prominent art galleries in the world including the Tate Britain and its contemporary art namesake the Tate Modern, the Saatchi Gallery and the national Gallery.

You’ll find the works of virtually every leading artist on display at any one time in London making it the perfect destination for any art buff.

Even if you don’t know your Van Gogh from your Dali, many of the galleries are housed in impressive buildings and are free to enter.

The British museum & natural history Museum

Often referred to as the greatest museum in the world, the British museum has a mind-blowing collection of historical artifacts, treasures from across the globe and artwork covering a two million year period.

The natural history museum also has an impressive collection that spans even further, stretching billions of years. There’s a large collection of virtually complete dinosaur skeletons, huge amounts of information on the history and formation of the planet, as well as the most up to date learnings on the natural world, spread out across 36 galleries.

Londýnske oko

Constructed to mark the turn of the millennium, the London Eye was at that time the largest Ferris wheel in the world. though it’s since been surpassed in height by various developments, today it still forms a prominent part of the London skyline.

From the large glass capsules, you get a unique, uninterrupted bird’s-eye view out across London.

Tower of London

One of the most historically significant buildings in the city, the Tower of London’s 900-year narrative is as notorious as it is illustrious.

Tours are conducted by enthusiastic and knowledgeable guides who will regale you with tales of betrayal, treachery and deceit.

See the mesmerizing Crown jewels which are on display here, learn about the gruesome events that have taken place within the walls as well as the ghosts that are said to inhabit the building to this day.

Kde zostať

Put simply, London is huge and as such has a wide variety of accommodation options open to you. most of the major attractions are located within a relatively small distance of each other in the centre of the city, making central London the best location to set up base.

Bloomsbury is an ideal starting point to explore the surrounding areas. only a short walk away you’ll find the popular areas of Russell Square, Oxford street and Covent garden as well as the British museum and London’s famous West end theatre district.

There’s also an underground station in the area meaning it’s extremely convenient to get further afield as well.

If a hotel close to the center of London is more your jam, expect to spend around 100 GBP (or more) per night. In the outskirts of the city, however, that will drop to about 40 GBP.

Hostels will cost you 20-40 GBP for a dorm room, with private rooms starting at 55 GBP.

Of course, as with everywhere else, Airbnbs are huge in London. opt for an entire flat to yourself, or get to know your local host and book a room in a shared home. Click here for your Airbnb discount code. 

If you’re really on a budget, you can check out the Couchsurfing hosts in London.

No matter where you decide to stay when travelling in London, make sure it’s in a central location. You don’t want to spend your travel days on transportation when you could be out exploring the city. See more: The complete guide to London’s Neighbourhoods.

What to eat and Drink

The Borough Market and brick Lane both feature lots of food options that fall on the cheap side. Pub fare is always affordable, with fried and homestyle foods on offer. check out these best historic pubs in London.

For a high-end experience, the seven Park place at the St. James’s hotel is recommended. 

It’s described as French-cuisine-meets-the-best-British-ingredients. The food here takes inspiration from the seasons. expect to spend 58 GBP for a three-course lunch paired with wines.

Here are some dishes you won’t want to miss when visiting London.

Sunday Roast and Yorkshire Pudding – Traditionally eaten as a family meal each Sunday, this dish consists of roasted meat, vegetables and Yorkshire Pudding which is a batter cooked in the oven, all covered in a rich gravy.

Chicken Tikka Massala – Though chicken tikka masala is served up in Indian restaurants up and down the country, it was actually invented in the UK. This mildly spiced chicken in a creamy sauce has gone on to become the nation’s favourite dish.

Ale – England has a reputation for serving up warm, flat beer, and to an extent this is accurate. traditional ale is not fizzy but naturally lightly carbonated and has a slightly bitter taste.

Tea – You can’t go to England without drinking a cup of tea, a national obsession amongst Brits. English Breakfast, Earl Grey and Yorkshire Tea are some of the most popular.

Also don’t miss fish & chips, pie & mash, and a full English breakfast!

When to Visit

England has notoriously poor weather for much of the year, and though London is a year-round city, if you’re after warmer, drier weAther potom je najlepšie navštíviť počas letných mesiacov.

Jún, júl a august vidia teplé teploty a menej dažďa ako obvykle, hoci sprchy sú stále časté. Tieto mesiace sú tiež jasnejšie a denné svetlo trvajú až do 21:00.

Zima medzi novembrom a januárom niekedy vidí sneh, pretože teploty sú nízke a denné hodiny sú oveľa kratšie.

Pozri tiež: Ako si užiť lacnú noc v Londýne West End

Ako sa obísť Londýn

Londýn je mimoriadne prístupné mesto a existujú rôzne spôsoby obchádzania – keď sa môžete, snažte sa pohybovať pešo, aby ste sa vyhli davom, uviazli v premávke a vychutnali si všetky pamiatky na ceste!

Londýnsky podzemný alebo „trubica“, ako sa hovorí lokálne, je podzemná železničná sieť, ktorá pokrýva väčšinu hlavného mesta a ľahko sa dá navigovať.

Existuje tiež dobrý autobusový systém, aj keď môže byť zložitejšie vypracovať trasy.

V centre si môžete najať samoobslužné bicykle na dokovacích staniciach po celom meste. Existujú tiež čierne kabíny alebo taxíky, ale tieto môžu byť oveľa drahšie ako iné spôsoby dopravy.

Samozrejme, vždy môžete volať spoločnosť Rideshare, ako napríklad Uber, Bolt alebo Ola.

Ste pripravení cestovať do Londýna?

Londýn je mesto plné histórie, kultúry, zábavy a atrakcií na svetovej úrovni a nie je žiadnym prekvapením, že viac ako 30 miliónov ľudí navštevuje každý rok z celého sveta.

Naozaj je tu niečo pre každého, od skvelých reštaurácií, neuveriteľnej architektúry a klasických hotelov, je to miesto, do ktorého sa môžete vrátiť znova a znova a pokračovať v objavovaní nových vecí.

Páči sa mi tento článok? Pripnúť!

Zrieknutie sa zodpovednosti: Kozy na cestách je spolupracovníkom Amazonu a tiež pridruženou spoločnosťou pre niektorých ďalších maloobchodníkov. To znamená, že zarobíme provízie, ak kliknete na odkazy na našom blogu a kúpite sa od týchto maloobchodníkov.