Malajzia: 10 miest, na ktoré sa môžete vydať na turné Cameron Highlands Day

„Odpusť nám, že sme nahlas hovorili,“ ospravedlnila sa Kuya Rey za všetkých uprostred mimoriadne pulzujúcej konverzácie. „Je to tak, že nie je často, že tu v Cameron Highlands uspokojujeme kolegov Filipíncov. Je tu iba 11 z nás. “

Kuya Rey pracuje ako cestovná kancelária v Cameron Highlands v špecifikácii Pahanga v Malajzii. Poveternostný stav bol dosť pochmúrny, ale jasná energia naplnila životné prostredie v meste Tanah Rata. Boli sme šťastní a vďační, že v našom trojdňovom pobyte sme v regióne mohli nájsť v šiestich OFW (zámorských filipínskych pracovníkov).

S OFW v Cameron Highlands. Boli tak milí a užitoční.
Centrum mesta Tanah Rata, Cameron Vysočina
Tanah Rata v skutočnosti znamená „ploché zem“, takže si vyžadovala jeho topografickú funkciu, ktorá vydláždila metódu pre osady, aby sa rozmachla v tejto časti hôr. Je to najväčšie mesto v Cameron Highlands, rozsiahla Hill Station s rozlohou 712 štvorcových kilometrov. Pre mnohých, ktorí si želajú zažiť viac „vidieka“ života, sa ukázalo ako preferovaný turistický cieľ, ako aj útek v teple mesta. Čo sa mi na regióne najviac páčilo, je jeho podnebie. Typické teploty sa hrajú medzi 24 ° C (priemerná vysoká) a 14 ° C (priemerná nízka). Pýši sa aktívnym cestovným ruchom, poháňaným hlavne jeho čajovými plantážami, dažďovými pralesmi, ako aj rôznymi farmami.

Najtypickejšou aktivitou v Cameron Highlands je tzv. Máte dve možnosti: pol dňa aj celý deň. V nižšie uvedenom zozname končí poldenná prehliadka na farme Strawberry Farm. (Všimnite si, že sme si rezervovali celodennú prehliadku mesta, ako aj blízko Brinchang s Cameron Holiday Tours, ako aj Adventure, cestovného kancelárie, pre ktorý Kuya Rey pracuje.)

Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?

1. Boh Tea Plantation, ako aj továreň
2. Mossy les Gunung Brinchang
3. Taman Rama-Rama Butterfly, ako aj plazový park
4. Raju Hill Strawberry Farm
5. Zvýšená farma KEA Center
6. Ee Feng Gu Kea Bee Farm
7. Hubová farma
8. Námestie trhu
9. Budhistický chrám Sam Poh
10. Parit Falls, ako aj Jungle Trail

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1. Boh Tea Plantation, ako aj továreň

Boh čajová plantáž
Tea Plantation Boh bol úplne prvou zastávkou v „voľnočasovom turné“, ktoré sme využili. Boh Plantations Sdn Bhd je pestovateľ čaju číslo 1 v Malajzii. V Cameron Highlands majú množstvo čajových záhrad. Každý rok vytvárajú viac ako 4 milióny kilogramov čaju, približne 70% všetkého čaju vyrobeného v Malajzii. Existuje viac ako tisíc rôznych odrôd čajov, avšak pre mnohých milovníkov čaju dominuje štyri primárne typy čajovníka – čierna, zelená, biela a oolong. Všetky štyri sú vyrobené z listov Camellia sinensis. Bohs pestuje čierny čaj, silnejší, odvážnejší a viac oxidovaný typ. Boli sme spadnutí na okraj cesty, ktoré sa hadia cez rozsiahle polia, ako aj valcujúce kopce kríkov.

Rovnako sa musíme pozrieť na továreň na čaj, kde sme sledovali pracovníkov, ktorí spracúvajú čajové listy, ktoré zbierali z farmy. Existujú výstavné sály, ktoré ukazujú staré vybavenie, dosky zobrazujúce históriu spoločnosti, ako aj krátke video o mieste. Jeden roh zastrčte malý obchod, kde si hostia môžu kúpiť čaj Tea Tea. Na druhej strane haly sa nachádza občerstvenie Tea’ria, ktorá slúži ich prémiovým čajom spolu s niektorými delikátnymi pečivo. Viac informácií o čajovej plantáži Bohov tu nájdete tu.

2. Mossy les Gunung Brinchang

Mossy les Gunung Brinchang, Cameron Highlands
O 200 000-ročnom machovom lese Gunung Brinchang je niečo prenasledujúce, druhý najväčší vrchol v Cameron Highlands, ako aj najväčší bod v polostrovnej Malajzii, ktorý je prístupný po ceste. even from afar, when I was looking at the area from the 50m tall Lookout Tower, I might feel the eerie environment it fostered as it slowly welcomed the blanketing thick sheet of low-lying clouds.

V summite Gunung Brinchang pri 2000 metrov vysoký rutinne zachytáva veľké množstvo dažďa a neustále prijíma hmly, ako aj oblaky, ktoré zaisťujú vlhké a orosené prostredie, k spokojnosti širokej škály rastlín, ktoré pokrývajú jeho svahy . The trees are hugged by thick layers of moss, lichen, as well as ferns that drape from their trunks to the ground. Around the path are a number of Nepenthes pitcher plants (also understood as monkey cups), a tropical montane monotypic plant with flowers that trap its prey, usually insects as well as little vertebrates. more about the Mossy forest as well as exactly how I miss the huge poor Wolf here.

3. Taman Rama-Rama Butterfly as well as Reptile Park

Taman Rama-Rama’s Butterfly Park is not that different from the usual butterfly gardens we have right here in the Philippines. I assumption when you’ve been to one, you’ve been to all. What sets it apart from the pack though is the mini-zoo next to it. They have rather a diverse collection of bugs as well as little reptiles that youngsters will truly enjoy as well as adults may discover curious.

A quite bit butterfly doing its thing with the flower
I can’t even look at them for more than 2 seconds
I’m just not huge on bugs as well as crawlers — they provide me the creeps — so I really just breezed with the place.

4. Raju Hill Strawberry Farm

There are many things in as well as about Cameron Highlands that remind me so much of Baguio City right here in the Philippines. one of them is their obsession with strawberries, as well as this is clearly evident in locations like Raju Hill, a strawberry farm that is available to everybody for free. guests are invited to go around the farm as long as they don’t pluck fruits. however if you want to have a taste of their strawberries, there’s a cafe in the area where they serve a wide array of strawberry products — from cakes to shakes. Fresh strawberries are likewise available.

Raju hill Strawberry Farm, Cameron Highlands
Lonely strawberry
More strawberries!

5. Zvýšená farma KEA Center

Ruže sú červené. OH, počkaj…
The Rose Centre Kea Farm, simply understood in the region as increased Centre, is found around 5km from Brinchang. Established in 1989, it was originally a vegetable farm however later blossomed into a vibrant garden. aside from a wide range of roses, the location boasts hundred of other flowers of all shapes, sizes, as well as colors. It is made up of 10 levels of terraces, spanning an entire deal with of a slope of a hill. checked out more about increased center here.

6. Ee Feng Gu Kea Bee Farm

Maybe it was just the weather condition however there truly was not anything spectacular about Ee Feng Gu Bee Farm. It has already started raining as well as we might not roam around the area anymore. thing is, there was truly not much in the area however the rows of honey combs skirting a typical garden. They most likely offer guided tours with presentation of honey harvesting however that was not offered during our visit. The giant statues of honey bees were cute, though.

Jollibee, what are you doing here?
Ee Feng Gu Bee Farm

7. Hubová farma

My go to to the mushroom farm was unforgettable mainly since I had not been to one before. The center grows abalone mushrooms of different colors — grey, yellow, coral, white. We even spotted one  monkey head mushroom (Hericium erinaceus), so required its hairy or furry appearance. adorable as these mushrooms may look, we ended up buying nothing. If only they offer cooked mushroom dishes, instead.

Abalone mushrooms. The one in the bottom right corner is the monkeyhead mushroom.
Fungi feast!

8. Námestie trhu

The Market Square consists of a couple of lanes of stalls, selling mainly produce. While it may appear regular to many, inspecting out the stores right here proved to be entertaining as well. many things that were new to me instantly caught my attention. From blue roses to giant eggplants (I had never seen eggplants that big!) to strawberries on stick (well, I had seen strawberries alright however not offered on stick a la barbeque). There was likewise a cart serving Malaysian-style street food.

Roses for sale. I adore the blue as well as orange ones.
Strawberries on stick, anyone?

9. Budhistický chrám Sam Poh

Standing on top of a hill overlooking Brinchang, Sam Poh temple provides a stunning view of the town as well as a fantastic location for relaxation as well as meditation. stated to be the fourth biggest Buddhist temple in Malaysia, the temple is composed of a number of halls that home giant statues of Buddha as well as the  Four Heavenly Kings among others. The temple was developed in 1972 as well as has been maintained by monks.

Sam Poh Temple, Cameron Highlands
View of Brinchang town from Sam Poh Temple
Images of Buddha on the inside walls of Sam Poh Temple

10. Parit Falls, ako aj Jungle Trail

“This is the most amazing waterfall I have seen in Malaysia today,” a guy next to us declared. He was amused however sarcastic at the exact same time. Parit waterfall is small, underwhelming, as well as does not truly compare to a few of the other waterfalls I had seen in Malaysia. however the location was still appealing, at least to me, who is always in like with the forest. The site was truly tranquil as well as calming. From here, two jungle tracks might be taken as well as I truly wished to do the one that would lead to the town center of Tanah Rata. Unfortunately, we were afraid it would rain heavily in the next hour that we would be drenched by the time we reach our hostel.

Parit Falls, Cameron Highlands
One of the jungle tracks from Parit Waterfall

If I would do it again, I would opt with the half-day tour instead. many of the sites we visited during the latter half of our tour were more on the “tourist trap” end of the spectrum. They felt like fillers.

Po pravde povedané, hlavným dôvodom, prečo sme chceli ísť na Cameron Highlands, bola možnosť vidieť Rafflesia, najväčšiu kvetinu na Zemi. Bohužiaľ, zlé načasovanie znova pokazilo naše plány. Už to nebola kvetinová sezóna, takže sme namiesto toho museli robiť celý deň voľného času. Aj keď sme nedostali to, za čo sme tu prišli, stále sme zostali celkom spokojní. Tak spokojný, že zo všetkých miest v Malajzii, ktoré som bol, je Cameron Highlands môj absolútny obľúbený.

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Súvisiace príspevky:

Boh Tea Plantation: Môj šálka čaju v Cameron Highlands, Malajzia

Mossy les Gunung Brinchang: Cameron Highlands, Malajzia

Rosette Cafe: Kde jesť v Cameron Highlands, Malajzia

Panorama Langkawi lanovka, Malajzia: 6 vecí, ktoré môžete očakávať

Hoe Kee Hydina Rice Balls: Kde jesť v Malacca, Malajzia

Lao San Cafe: Kde jesť v Malacca v Malajzii

12 hodín v George Town, Penang, Malajzia

Polostrovná Malajzia: Vzorka 1-týždňová itinerár